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Tomatometer - 6,9 of 10

Genre - Thriller, Adventure

Cyrus Nowrasteh

Cyrus Nowrasteh

Abstract - Infidel is a movie starring Jim Caviezel, Claudia Karvan, and Hal Ozsan. An American man, played by Jim Caviezel, is kidnapped after a friend invites him to Cairo to speak out about recent militant uprisings. His wife heads to the

country - USA

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Go to article Posted on October 21, 2021 8:30 am Inline Feedbacks View all comments Probably been a while since her legs have been together…just sayin’ … This article is ALL about rehabilitating her image. And it hits all the bases. Her suffering because she is a woman. Victim hood, wants a healthy baby, hot guy to call partner, glamor shots in scripted, chosen places where they do not live, etc. Feeling nauseous yet? Well, apparently “the paper boy” planted his flag on Katie’s Hill. LOL Gotta love those loose Dems, if worth looking at. Abrams, Brazile and Kamala…not so much. Off topic…I heard Buttigieg is breastfeeding. True? /s John Schilling 2 days ago ABORT! It’s not too late! After all, you’re a democrat. Yank that krap outta there and flush it down! She is a spooge receptacle. Katie? Missionary or doggie style? Camel style.. With a hump. Another liberal flat backer. Sleep with anyone and anything and still cant figure out to prevent pregnancy. Like looking into a dumpster behind a Mexican restaurant and asking who had refried beans. I’d have thought by now that Katie would have her own porn channel. She may find it even more lucrative than politics! Can’t we go back to basics and blame Trump? Chew toy…Katie likes those too! Sorry, nothing personal. Really. It was just too easy. 😜 jknjkvjvkjkvvjkbvjbh 3 days ago Just go away Skankerina Last edited 3 days ago by jknjkvjvkjkvvjkbvjbh who’s the daddy? BRANDON! Kind of funny, I had almost completely forgotten about her until this put her in the news again. Every time I think of her, I visualize someone gagging on something. A little twitch here, a little twitch there. I guess the good news is she is not aborting the baby. Still, you have to feel for the kid’s outlook in life with a mother like that. But hope springs eternal, motherhood might shape her up and, even more blissfully, could get her out of the limelight, which historically has helped exactly no one. This partner guy, Alex Thomas, is probably going to be the one who ends up hosed in the end. LOL at “disgraced throupler” 🙂 She’s a trip. And she can’t seem to stop being a laughingstock now. How is it that these people never seem to use pregnancy prevention? Abortion is not just a back-up plan. One Fed Up Cali Girl God help that child! Yeah she’s guessing as well. “Who’s the daddy? ” That’s probably what runs thru her head every night at bedtime. Nope. Something else runs through her head… at least to the back of it…… …… Last edited 3 days ago by Donald Trump.

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